Big thanks to the Minister of Climate and Environment,
Ola Elvestuen for an invigorating and inspiring talk at the GK=25K Jubilee.
There is no doubt that the Liberal Party is the political party in Norway that focuses most on entrepreneurs and entrepreneurship and still has the most trustworthiness in the entrepreneurial community in Norway.
In his talk, Ola Elvestuen also discussed how important SMEs will be in achieving international and national climate goals.
He also congratulated Gründerklubben (The Norwegian Entrepreneurs Club) on reaching the important milestone of 25,000 members.
We have to take our share of the blame for the minister being delayed an hour to the dinner at the NHO annual conference, even though we stuck to our schedule. There was a good vibe at the event and many of the members had a chat with the minister.
As organizers have only received great feedback in the aftermath of the event.
I also want to give big praise Edgar Valdmanis, Lise Lise Berentsen (Helt Sentralt), Atle Bredesen, Synne Aao, Tor Ellingsen and the team from ThrillCast who have all made a great push to make the evening an unforgettable experience.
Photo; TrondHeggelund.no