Picture of form Bjørvika, Oslo.
Oslo is a great city to be an entrepreneur on a sunny day, but the Norwegian market is small.

I have been involved in the internationalization of companies before (Seed Forum Global, First Tuesday, Global Direct, etc.) and have after 2003, systematically been developing an extensive network of entrepreneurs and investors.

Based on the platform Gründerklubben – The Norwegian Entrepreneurs Club, we aim to do to it again are now looking for international partners (accelerators, technology vendors, global consulting companies, early-stage funds, etc.) that want to team up with us.

Please contact me at berg@grunderklubben.com for more information.

We are currently creating a new international brand that will be the powerhouse in this endeavor.

Now, we have a technology platform under development that will transform how companies communicate with the market, find investors for their projects, and great partners.

Gründerklubben already has more than 23 000 members in Norway, and last month we also acquired the biggest entrepreneurs network in Bangkok, Thailand. We now have 147 502 people in our system and are planning to grow fast.

Vision; We are creating the worlds most significant global network of entrepreneurs. Startups are the real job creators and problem solvers of this century. We want to inspire even more companies to have a comprehensive approach to their rollout and will develop a platform to make it easier to reach out to potential customers, partners, and investors to succeed.

Mission; We develop a member club and support forum for entrepreneurs. We help startups to grow and prosper using the power of sharing is caring, best practice and a world-class application linked with social media tools.

Goal; To build the world’s biggest global entrepreneurs club and support forum.