Gamechanger entrepreneurs, investors, and innovators have already registered from Australia, Sri Lanka, China, UK, Dubai, Germany, Romania, Israel, Serbia. Ethiopia. Kenya, Haiti, Panama, Colombia, Mexico, USA, Georgia, Moldova, Ukraine, Russia, Iceland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Sweden & Norway. And many more on the way!
If you are a start-up, investor, accelerator or innovator and consider yourself as a gamechanger, you must register NOW for Seed Forum Global 2019, June 17-18!
Last year 1500+ participants came from 37 countries to THIS TRULY GLOBAL INNOVATION HAPPENING IN OSLO!
Seed Forum Global is the event for GLOBAL INNOVATION GAMECHANGERS! If you think you are one of those who STAND OUT this is the right place!
Do you want to have a richer life and meet some of the most creative and prosperous people out there? Sign up today for Techstars Startup Digest Angel Investor – The state of the art on startup investing.